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You Need These Pro-Woman Anthems in Your Life Right Now.

(First posted May 22, 2019)

Madame Ghandi- The Future is Female
How could girly ever be an insult?
All the women I know are ones moving culture
What would happen if we all would lead with a little less aggression more femininity?
We have to value girls more than their looks
The biggest threat is a girl with a book
The system must make room for all that we do
We've been bleeding each month till we gave birth to you!

Madame Ghandi's anthem includes lyrics that explore existing stereotypes that belittle women and femininity. In modern society, when "feminine" or "girly" is used as an adjective, it often comes with negative connotations. I vividly recall the young boys in middle school screaming at one another, "Dude, you run like a girl," or "You're acting like a girl," to describe weakness, inferiority, or a kind of deficiency. This alludes to the idea that women aren't as capable as men, as if weakness and femininity go hand-in-hand. This degrading stereotype is highlighted in the lyrics above, contradicting such stigmas with hard proof: The millions of strong, power women in the world.

Ke$ha- Woman
Don't buy me a drink, I make my money
Don't touch my weave, don't call me "honey"
('Cause I write this shit, baby, I write this shit)
I'm a motherfucking woman, baby, alright
I don't need a man to be holding me too tight
I'm a motherfucking woman, baby, that's right
I'm just having fun with my ladies here tonight
I'm a motherfucker

"Woman" by Ke$ha is one of my favorite feminist anthems ever made. When I listen to this song, I am flooded with empowerment, and I feel proud to be a woman. Despite what society attempts to convey about women, we are strong, powerful, empowered, and driven. Ke$ha alludes to the idea that women don't need men to protect, compliment, and support them. Females, contrary to stereotypes, are capable of making their own money, protecting themselves, and loving themselves. A man is absolutely NOT necessary to achieve happiness, and women aren't patiently awaiting their Prince Charming. I believe that Ke$ha says, "mother fucking woman" to add a sense of empowerment to her piece. This aggressive word choice beautifully acts against how females are expected to behave, as meek, vulnerable, and timid beings. In reality, we are MOTHER FUCKING WOMEN! This song actually was one of my biggest inspirations in becoming a feminist. It makes me feel so unbelievably proud to be a woman. I mean, think about it: We bring life into this world, we've changed this world, and we have every reason to be proud. Scream it from the rooftops: I'm a mother fucking woman.

Beyonce- Run the World (Girls)
Boy you know you love it
How were smart enough
To make these millions
Strong enough to bare the children
Then get back to business
See, you better no play me
Don't come here baby
Hope you still like me
"F" you pay me

Beyonce is one of my favorite feminists and artists of all time. She is successful, powerful, strong, and advocates for women around the world. She references the strength that women are required to have, the strength that is often overlooked, to endure childbirth while creating a life worth living. Beyonce uses her music to encompass how women are brilliant and capable of absolutely anything. We are able to achieve the seemingly unachievable without help from a man. Get this, we can do it in heels, we can do it bleeding, and we can do it pregnant. Women are the strongest beings on Earth, so stop believing we need to be saved.

The Regrettes- A Living Human Girl
I don't exercise and I don't read books
So if you want to criticize me, go ahead, take a look
I'm not being bossy, I'm saying how I feel
And I'm not a bitch for stating what is real
Sometimes I'm girly and sometimes I'm not
So let's take a listen, hit me with your best shot
I bleed once a month
And sometimes when I shave I get little red bumps
I wear short skirts and sometimes long pants
And I can dress how I want, not looking for a show of hands

This song is a light-hearted and uplifting anthem that fights against beauty standards and expectations. Women are supposed to follow a merciless list of conventional beauty standards or risk facing the consequences. However, The Regrettes bring a sense of reality to this song, as most women don't fit the model of the "perfect" woman. However, there is also this notion that once women begin to speak up for themselves, they are bossy and aggressive. In reality, it's not villainous to speak the truth, it's empowering and necessary. We need to stop expecting women to be thin, flawless, and smooth-faced. We get acne, stretch marks, stomach rolls, you name it. To be quite honest, from my experience as a female, we are pretty damn disgusting. However, there is absolutely no problem with that. Men are disgusting, too. However, sexist gender roles expect women to appear clean, polished, and perfected. The Regrettes fight against this notion to promote how we are all human who are plagued by gender roles and expectations.